Sphere Spins

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Meanwhile above...

Time's running out.

Among the Earliest

The Lathams. Interesting. The boss's boss is an Oakland history buff. Note to self: topic of conversation next time I see him.

Create for yourselves

I like the iconography of this mural. What's up with the bagel on a plate with a building? Or the reader who looks like she's trying to find a vein to mainline into.

Meanwhile outside...

Another kinda high tech was going on

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Woohoo! It all came true: intel boxes from mac. The prescient enjoyed > 17% RTE if they bought on 12/30, while others like me had to settle for smaller pops. In any case, Woohoo!

This is Adam, our Project Leader. This consitutes leave to attend.

Feel the color! Dig the vibe! It's awesome! The banners are over the MS booth. The lady there didn't know if Office was native. It's not. Good show!

Here's the whole lot of them.

The MacBook side. An IR image of this scene might be pretty interesting.

The iMac demo side. I had to shoulder aside some acredited photojounalist to get this vital shot.

Can you hear me now?

NB: these were all shot with a FinePix F11.